SIFA is saddened to hear of the  passing of Mr Don Priestley.

Don has been at the centre of field archery in Ireland from the very start both in IFAF and SIFA. We at SIFA are particularly indebted to him as he was a founding member of the society. Among other achievements he designed the original IFAF and SIFA logos, built the first IFAF and then the SIFA website, developed the SBG automatic peg distance calculator, he held most officer posts in SIFA at one time or another but is particularly remembered as the SIFA Tournament officer for many years, travelling to shoots up and down the country handing out Gains awards.

He was also quite fond of taking charge of clout shooting at the early iterations of the SIFA champs. He was heavily involved in setting up the archery club at Loughcrew but was always available to help, advise and support other clubs in whatever way he could.

It is safe to say that the field archery community in Ireland will not be the same without him. The whole of SIFA sends their sympathies to Don’s family and many friends at this sad time.